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Bay Area Tracking Trainers


Kamrin MacKnight

Tracking Pages on the Web


Craig Green’s Tracking Articles 

A great set of articles on tracking on a Basset Hound website.

Allison Platt’s Tracking Articles 

Allison Platt has written several articles on starting a beginning tracking dog.  Two good ones are available on the West Highland White Terrier Club of America website.

My Tracking Dog  

A western Canadian website devoted to the sport of tracking dogs.

Scent In A Bottle 

A different approach to starting a tracking dog.

Tracking Permits


If you have a ____ Santa Clara County Park Use Permit, you may continue to use it through 12/31/____ 

If you are a PAFTA member, you may apply for the 2020 Santa Clara County Park Use Permit. I will email, you a copy of the Permit, windshield placard, and your placard number when I obtain the 2020 Permit, probably in mid-December. You may not practice tracking in ____ in the Santa Clara County parks until you receive your permit! The 2020 Santa Clara County Park Use Permit request form is attached or may be obtained from the PAFTA.ORG website members section. Complete the form being sure to indicate your participation in PAFTA activities during 2019 or if you are a new member, during 2020. Please take the use of this PAFTA benefit very seriously. Any member who violates PAFTA’s tracking permit rules and regulations shall be subject to disciplinary action.

  1. Any member of PAFTA may report a violation of such rules and regulations to the President or Permit Chairperson.

  2. Within 2 weeks of receipt of notice of such reported violation, the President or Permit Chairperson will inform the Board of Directors (BOD) of the details of the reported violation.

  3. Within 2 weeks following receipt of such notice, the BOD shall meet by phone, email, or in person to discuss the reported violation and any disciplinary action to be taken toward the member who allegedly violated the rules and regulations. Such disciplinary action will be at the discretion of the BOD (and with the recommendation of the Permit Chairperson) and may include such actions as a written warning, suspension of the PAFTA member’s tracking privileges at the permit sites for a period to be determined by the BOD, or expulsion from PAFTA for a period to be determined by the BOD.

  4. Within 2 weeks following the BOD Meeting, the President shall notify the member of the reported violation and disciplinary action to be taken by certified mail/return receipt.

  5. Should the member believe that there was no violation of PAFTA’s permit rules and regulations, the member shall be entitled to a hearing before the BOD and Permit Chairperson.

  6. Should the member desire a hearing, the member shall notify the President within 2 weeks of receipt of notice of the disciplinary action and the implementation of the disciplinary action shall be stayed until the conclusion of the hearing.

  7. The BOD shall have complete authority to decide whether counsel may attend the hearing.

  8. Should the disciplinary action be sustained after hearing all the evidence and testimony presented by the member allegedly in violation of the PAFTA permit rules and regulations, the decision of the BOD shall be recorded in the Corporation’s records and the membership shall be notified of such decision. Requirements for use of the permit are listed on the Park Use Permit Request FormPark maps show areas of parks permitted for tracking.

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